What is DIN EN ISO 50001?
The introduction of an energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001:2011 aims at improving a company's energy-related performance. All data in terms of the energy input and energy use is evaluated and reduction measures are then defined. This leads to an increase in energy efficiency. Energy costs are reduced and greenhouse gas emissions decrease.
What is included in DIN EN ISO 50001?
DIN EN ISO 50001 is based on the PDCA cycle.
Plan: all energy-related processes within a company are registered and evaluated. The systematic registration of relevant energy inputs and energy use serves as a basis for stipulating targets. Measures are then developed based on these targets.
Do (Implementation, realisation): The respective energy-related processes are determined and planned, so that regulated processes are achieved with the least energy input or energy use possible.
Check: The regular monitoring and measuring of energy-related processes serves as a means to identify deviations. Following an analysis of such deviations actions need to be taken.
Act: The energy management system shall be evaluated and measures shall be introduced in terms of the continuous improvement of energy-related services.
What advantages does a certification in accordance with ISO 50001 bring?
- Reducing energy costs
- Part of the requirements for limiting levies and surcharges of the Energy Financing Act (EnFG), which entered into force on January 1, 2023, for an annual electricity consumption of more than 5 gigawatt hours. The special equalization scheme according to §§ 28 ff. EnFG, electricity-cost-intensive companies and other entitled parties can achieve a limitation of the levies according to § 2 No. 17 EnFG.
- Improvement of energy performance and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Recognising potential for optimisation
- Creating awareness amongst staff for the subject of energy
QUACERT has been accredited in regards to certifications in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001:2011.
EDL-G – an alternative to energy audits:
Introduction of DIN EN ISO 50001 until 5th December 2015, certification 2016
All non-KMU companies (companies, which are not small or medium-sized) have to carry out a first energy audit by 5th December 2015 as per the amendment of the EDL law (law regarding energy-related services and other energy efficiency measures).
An alternative would be the introduction of an energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 or an environmental management system in accordance with EMAS in order to meet the requirements of the EDL law.
Accordingly, only the most important steps in regards to the implementation of such a system would need to be undertaken by 5th December 2015, and according confirmation would need to be available.
Sufficient confirmation would be:
* a written or electronic statement by management addressing the following points (example for an energy management system):
1. The company's commitment to implement an energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 (§ 8 paragraph 3 number 1 EDL law)
2. The company's commitment to implement an energy management system and a standard 4.4.3a of DIN EN ISO 50001 (issued in December 2011) until 5th December 2015. This standard contains parts of the energy evaluation (analysis and evaluation of current and previous energy input as well as energy use)
* and documents, which confirm any measures implemented so far in terms of standard 4.4.3a of DIN EN ISO 50001 (issued in December 2011)
The certification of energy management systems should be completed until the end of 2016.
Additional information in this regard may be found in the “information sheet on energy audits as per the legal stipulations of §§8 ff. of the EDL law”, issued by BAFA on page 23-24, item 5.4.